Started by wolf

Prankster's child about to trick everyone, at last (5)

J(_O _K _E)R = Prankster

Submitted by dylanamite

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
2648 Prankster's child about to trick everyone, at last (5) J(_O _K _E)R = Prankster dylanamite 2
2667 Wild card comedian (5) ddef mstang107 2
2650 Wild card first jumps out back of truck into emergency room (5) Wild card = J_ O_ + _K + ER DuckDuckPwn 1
2689 At the start of a betting game, traded for 11th extra card (5) start of POKER switch for J (as in jack, the 11th) quatrevingtneuf 1
2690 Joe has the king resting with his jester (5) JO(K)E+R wolf 1
2691 Prankster's just kidding around: no decapitation at emergency room (5) J(nO)K + ER / prankster zonotope 1
2649 Partner of Arsene Wenger terminates following wisecrack (5) JOKE+_R = "Partner of Arsene" Penzo 0