Started by tasthing

Character next to tee-off: Yellow Ruby (6)


Submitted by AuLeaf

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
2760 Character next to tee-off: Yellow Ruby (6) SPINEL(-ess) AuLeaf 4
2766 Timeless harpsichord with large gemstone (6) SPINE(t)+L / gemstone zonotope 4
2761 Ultimately, as alternative option, teal gemstone (6) _S+(-o)P(-t)I(-o)N(-t)E(-a)L AuLeaf 3
2742 Focus back, taking about 3.147? (6) S(PI)NEL< = 7? "spin el" phenomist 2
2762 Stone or North, in speech (6) SPI(N)EL
surface: two Olivers for the price of one
AuLeaf 1