IT (2)

Started by chaotic_iak

King's classic item split in half (2)

IT__ = King's classic

Submitted by dylanamite

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
2921 King's classic item split in half (2) IT__ = King's classic dylanamite 1
2943 Italian crowd show (2) IT = the IT crowd DuckDuckPwn 1
2914 One-time computer science (2) I+T AuLeaf 0
2915 Broccoli thief’s hidden horror movie (2) _I T_ EpicToast 0
2916 Award-winning story of "King's Speech" ultimately no longer popular (2) (-h)IT AuLeaf 0
2917 Regular letters from {H, I, M} to form "objective" pronoun? (2) (-h)I(-m)T(-o) AuLeaf 0
2918 The thing is, I went back (2) I + _T / the thing zonotope 0
2919 Return calculator to tech department (2) TI< EpicToast 0
2920 Before having source object, data processing group state "player action event" story (2) Decuple definition.
Before having: e.g. "It having snowed didn't help"
Source: "It is said"
Object: as a pronoun
Data processing: IT
Group: as in "The teacher told the class that it would have homework"
State: as in "It isn't raining."
Player: like in tag
Action: as in "I like reading. It's fun."
Concept: e.g "It started
Story: by Stephen King
ev3commander 0
2962 Neutered insect shell (2) I_T Timwi 0