Started by edderiofer

Painful, odd sensation starts during toilet activity, causing large amounts of crap (11)

SHIT(P_O_S_)TING = large amounts of crap

Submitted by dylanamite

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
2923 Painful, odd sensation starts during toilet activity, causing large amounts of crap (11) SHIT(P_O_S_)TING = large amounts of crap dylanamite 3
2924 Spotting his bad online behaviour (11) SHITPOSTING* = online behaviour dylanamite 3
2941 T, A, and other letters not including R forming cringeworthy comments (111) forming cringeworthy comments = SHI(-r)T+P(-r)O+ST(-r)ING prawo 2
2922 "[Wrong enumeration!] (0)", for example, is dog event's pain, according to Spooner (11) "PIT SHOW STING" (Sp.) = SHITPOSTING edderiofer 1
2927 Making crappy jokes about fecal moulding around bottom of toilet (8) SHIT POSING (fecal moulding) around T (end of toilet) quatrevingtneuf 1
2948 Spit ghost in demented, extremely important art form (11) spit ghost in demented: SHITPOSTING*
extremely important art form: def
wolf 1