Started by wolf

Elements of water and moss surround a strange pine, forming a person (4, 7)

HO+MOS(A+PIEN*)S = a person

Submitted by summitwei

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
3159 Elements of water and moss surround a strange pine, forming a person (4, 7) HO+MOS(A+PIEN*)S = a person summitwei 4
3172 Indistinct moon shape is man (4,7) MOONSHAPEIS* / man zonotope 3
3156 Silly Simon's a hope for humanity (4,7) *simonsahope: HOMOSAPIENS* AuLeaf 2
3157 Gay's penis agitated, going after a man (4,7) HOMO'S+A+PIENS* owo AuLeaf 2
3161 Human's essentially demonic plan seen after last of butterscotch pie's eaten by Undertale skeleton (4, 7) essentially demonic = _O_
plan = MO (modus operandi)
last of butterscotch = _H
pie eaten by Undertale skeleton = SA(PIE)NS
Human = _H + _O_ + MO + SA(PIE)NS
level 2
3152 Gays snipe a confused human (4 7) HOMOS (gays) + /SNIPEA = HOMO SAPIENS (human) quatrevingtneuf 0
3181 Intelligent one who objectively ignored head, preferred heart in disposition of passion (4,7) Intelligent one = (-w)HOM+OSAPI(_E_)NS*
who objectively ignored head = -(w)HOM
preferred heart = _E_
disposition of passion = OSAPINS*
prawo 0