FAN (3)

Started by RainedMirror

Lover's note neglected at first (3)


Submitted by madjaqk

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
321 Lover's note neglected at first (3) FA+N_ madjaqk 2
314 Enthusiast chipped tooth FANG without the last letter prawo 1
317 One Direction to go after top fidget spinner? (3) A+N after F_ [="spinner?"] level 1
318 Cool supporter (3) ddef. edderiofer 1
315 Cool start to fiction genre. (3) Start to Fiction ganre: (FAN)tasy
Cool: Def.
RainedMirror 0
316 Of a niche crowd! oF A Niche, &lit. (FAN- is a moderately common prefix, so part-of-speech shouldn't be a problem.) prawo 0
320 Whip up dessert without trace of lard (3) F[-l]AN
def="whip up" (as in "fan the flames")
madjaqk 0