THE (3)

Started by phenomist

This endless detail of Greek letter (3)

THE(-t)(-a) = this

Submitted by Timwi

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
3717 This endless detail of Greek letter (3) THE(-t)(-a) = this Timwi 1
3718 Article number with no bounds? (3) [-e]THE[-r] = article phenomist 1
3720 Heads off to wash something specific (3) (-b)(-a)THE = something specific EpicToast 1
3721 Half of blade from Teresina, Brazil (3) (-scy)THE = Teresina’s airport code Timwi 1
3722 A particular leftover prune (3) (-o)THE(-r) = a particular Timwi 1
3723 Specifically, a secret of heathens (3) heaTHEns = specifically, a EpicToast 1
3725 Best time to start hunting evil (3) time = T
to start hunting evil = HE
Best, as in "This is not a taco, it's *the* taco"
skaldskaparmal 1
3730 Issue: I lost __ game (3) THE(-ME) game summitwei 1
3726 Article is announcement of a Shakespearean-era object (3) announcement of = homophone
Shakespearean-era object = THEE (an object in grammar)
skaldskaparmal 0