Started by Sp3000

Shitty robot maker Simone has a frustrated outburst a billion times per second (9)

GI(GAH)ERTZ = a billion times per second

Submitted by SoftFro

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
3763 Shitty robot maker Simone has a frustrated outburst a billion times per second (9) GI(GAH)ERTZ = a billion times per second SoftFro 3
3764 Tigger bounces around a hundred sextillion billion times per second (9) TIGGER bounces = GIGERT
around a hundred = around AH
sextillion = Z
billion times per second = (GIG(A+H)ERT)*+Z

where hundred = H and sextillion = Z as in the SI prefixes hecto and zetta
skaldskaparmal 2
3772 Gaze right to reconstruct processor benchmark (9) (GAZE RIGHT)* Timwi 1
3774 Unit mangled their gag with impedance (9) (THEIR GAG)* + Z Timwi 1