Started by lovemathboy

Foxlike reverend, tug on grape plant (7)

"pull vine" spoonerism = foxlike

Submitted by summitwei

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
3978 Foxlike reverend, tug on grape plant (7) "pull vine" spoonerism = foxlike summitwei 0
3980 Half of women’s parts yearn for love of foxy one (7) VULvas (half of women’s parts) + PINE (yearn for love of) = foxy one quatrevingtneuf 0
3981 Just a pinch, dear, over the tail of a fox (7) Just a pinch, dear, over = (NIP+LUV)<
the tail = _E
of a fox = (VUL+PIN)<+_E
prawo 0
3982 Cunning vampire's first lupine transformation (7) Vampire + *ULPINE
Not MUCH of a transformation, oh well
sarathegood 0