GOLD LEAF (4, 4)

Started by AuLeaf

Finally paving over ancient meadow and part of forest to make something gaudy (4, 4)

Down clue only
G_ + OLD + LEA + F_

Submitted by madjaqk

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
403 Finally paving over ancient meadow and part of forest to make something gaudy (4, 4) Down clue only
G_ + OLD + LEA + F_
madjaqk 4
393 Golf deal scotched for something that looks fancier (4, 4) GOLFDEAL* madjaqk 3
401 Godel dug around Lima text for extremely expensive ingredient "Godel dug" around "Lima" = GOLD(L)E; "text for extremely" = internet abbreviation: A(s) F(xxx) prawo 3
411 Go eat a fish to start to get bad cholesterol thinned out and shiny coat (4, 4) GO (go), E_ A_ F_ (eat a fish to start), to get LDL (bad cholesterol). Def. "thinned out and shiny coat" Akumu 3
417 Bookmaker's highlight: lazy one dropping off involved in disastrous goal, leading to fortune (4, 4) GOL([-i]DLE)A*+F_ [= "Bookmaker's highlight"]
(iDLE, losing the i, in anagrammed GOAL, plus the lead to [F]ortune)
level 3
402 Klimt used this messed up fog ladle [*FOGLADLE] wolf 2
392 Terrible leading confectionery product (4 4) "confectionery product" = GOL(DLEA*)F phenomist 1
406 Clumsy page fold left when there's no back flap, a colorful sort of page marker? Anag. of *PAGEFOLDL missing (fla)P: {(-p)GOLDLEAF}*
a colorful sort of page marker?: cd for gold leaf (gold leaf is often added to the edges of book pages)
AuLeaf 1