COIN (4)

Started by edderiofer

Meet halfway, or maybe a quarter (4)


Submitted by AuLeaf

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
451 Meet halfway, or maybe a quarter (4) COIN(-cide) AuLeaf 5
446 Create the word "out", to a category theorist? (4) ddef. "Create the word" = COIN

""out", to a category theorist" = CO-IN
edderiofer 4
448 Left with no out, it left with Left Out Left with: “with” cluing prefix CO-, placed to left of word
no out: IN
it left with Left Out: def
wolf 1
453 Scheme to steal one ton of moolah (4) CON around I
Definition is "ton of moolah", as in the informal "That's gotta take some serious coin"
madjaqk 1