Started by RainedMirror

Embellish scroll, oddly lacking golfer's cry overheard after commencement (?)

Embellish: def

scroll, oddly lacking: _C_O_L

golfer's cry: FORE
...overheard: FOUR / FOR
...after commencement: OUR / OR

Submitted by Deusovi

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
501 Embellish scroll, oddly lacking golfer's cry overheard after commencement (?) Embellish: def

scroll, oddly lacking: _C_O_L

golfer's cry: FORE
...overheard: FOUR / FOR
...after commencement: OUR / OR
Deusovi 5
502 Put one hundred on red outside, fifty inside (double zero), and spin (5) "Spin" = Put CR (one hundred on red) on the outside of OLO (fifty inside double zero) Akumu 4
493 Shade row opposite of us (6) Defn: Shade = COLOUR

row opposite = COL

of us = OUR
edderiofer 3
492 Stain: cardinal for king? (5) COLO(N->R) edderiofer 2