

Contests won: CAVEAT (6), W (1)

All Submissions

Clue ID Contest Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
11764 SORE (4) Kingdom Hearts character gets butt replaced with eagle's head, how painful! (4) "How painful": Def
"Kingdom Hearts character": Sora
"Eagle's head": E
"Butt replaced with": Replacing SOR(A) with E= SORE
Anonymus25 3
11587 W (1) Victory letter (1) W is a slang used by people to mean Win/Victory
W is a letter
Anonymus25 2
10832 CAVEAT (6) WARNING: Hollow asymmetrical tunnel starts (6) Hollow is a synonym of CAVE
"Starts" is an indicator of taking initals, mainly (A)symmetrical (T)unnel, getting AT
CAVE+AT= CAVEAT, definition is WARNING
Anonymus25 1
10851 ANANASSA (8) Butt is inserted into headless banana, turning into a strawberry (8) ASS (Butt) is inserted into BANANA without B (Headless), turning into A Strawberry (def) Anonymus25 1
11602 Z (1) Zimodo's ending letter! (1) (Z)imodo
Z is the "ending to the alphabet"
Z is a letter
AND an &lit
Anonymus25 1
8912 SPRAY (5) Spa adds Rick inside Yarn shower (5) SP(R)A + Y(arn)
Def: Shower
Anonymus25 0
8976 OISEAU Only intentional, Ukraine begins to consume ocean of French Birds (6) O(nly) I(ntentional) U(kraine) (begins) to consume SEA: (OI(SEA)U), def: french birds Anonymus25 0
9018 HELLO THERE (5,5) Obi-Wan Kenobi Meme (5,5) Ddef Anonymus25 0
10853 PNEUMONOULTRAMICROSCOPICSILICOVOLCANOCONIOSIS (45) Disease is an initially replaced operation leader, super small building recieves integrated circuit heads, giant fiery mountain, villain is covering circular, leaders are a disease all along! (45) Rusty surface lol

Disease (PNEUMONIA), replacing O (operation leader) with IA (Is An initially)
Building: SILO, and IC (integrated circuit heads) is inserted into it creating SILICO (recieves)
Giant fiery mountain: VOLCANO
Villain: CON
IS covering O (Circular) making IOS
Imps...So leaders= IS
And the entire word is in fact a disease all along! (That's the def)
Anonymus25 0
10883 TATTOO (6) Otto at crazy marking (6) OTTOAT anagram (crazy is the anagram indicator)
Marking: def
Anonymus25 0
10884 TELEPHONE (9) Calling: phoney end lost under mixed up sesame seed (9) Calling (def)
Phone(y) (end lost) after (under) TELE (mixed up TEEL (teel is a definiton for sesame seed))
Anonymus25 0
11091 BARRIER (7) Confusing rapier loses pommel head and gets inserted into brother wall (7) Confusing as an anagram indicator, turning RAPIER into ARRIE (because P (pommel head) is lost from the word), and ARRIE gets inserted into BR (BR can mean Brother, Google it :p), def: Wall Anonymus25 0
11095 CONFUNDLE (9) Swindler pay given to last electrician, initially to confuse (9) CON (Swindler) FUND (Pay) -> (Given to) LE ((L)ast (Electrician) (initially)), def: To confuse Anonymus25 0
11593 X (1) Twitter rebrand leads to doubt (1) Twitter rebranded to X
There's a meme where you "Press X to doubt"
Anonymus25 0
11640 EDGE CASE (4 4) Under the rim, a problem becomes an extreme problem (4 4) Extreme problem= def
a problem= CASE
A problem "under" the rim= CASE is located under EDGE, creating EDGE CASE
Anonymus25 0

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