
Contests started: None!

Contests won: CONVEX (6), CONCAVE (7)

All Submissions

Clue ID Contest Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
9831 CONVEX (6) Pointed out Nevada within undated manuscript (6) Nevada (NV) within (contained by) "undated (-d) manuscript (COdEX)" = CO-NV-EX (something 'pointed out') DireKrow 5
9845 CONCAVE (7) Dented criminal den (7) Criminal (CON) + den (CAVE) -> CONCAVE (dented) DireKrow 4
9844 RESIGN (6) Disheveled vocalist to throw in the towel (6) Disheveled (anagram) "Vocalist -> SINGER" -> RESIGN (throwing in the towel) DireKrow 1

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