
Contests started: PAGODA (6), GOLFER (6), ACROSS (6), TSUNAMI (7)

Contests won: None!

All Submissions

Clue ID Contest Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
10348 ELECTION (8) The vote left Intel CEO shaken (8) "the vote" = def
"Intel CEO shaken" = anagram INTELCEO = ELECTION
aperson 0
10378 DESCARTES (9) René says "24 hour wagon" (9) René = def
says "24 hour wagon" = homophone "day cart" = Descartes
aperson 0
10460 ADZE (4) Axe-like tool starts to add zero (4) Axe-like tool = def
starts to "add zero" = ad + ze = adze
aperson 0
10485 INHOTIM (7) Contemporary art museum transformed into him (7) Contemporary art museum = def
transformed into him = anagram "into him" = "inhotim"
aperson 0
10570 LA PAZ (2, 3) Friend sent back Arizona city in Bolivia (2, 3) Friend sent back = PAL backwards = LAP
Arizona = AZ
LAP + AZ = LA PAZ = city in Bolivia
aperson 0

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