
Contests started: None!

Contests won: SUIT UP (4, 2), DOWNRANK (8), CROSS-STITCH (5-6), LUDDITE (7)

All Submissions

Clue ID Contest Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
10805 LUDDITE (7) Diluted, misshapen, backwards thinker! (7) Anagram (misshapen) of DILUTED PantherSnuggler 3
10550 HINGE (5) Link to a part in "Everything Everywhere All At Once" (5) Everyt(HING E)verywhere PantherSnuggler 1
10561 SUIT UP (4, 2) Exercise covering university dress (4 2) S(+U)IT UP PantherSnuggler 1
10564 CROSS-STITCH (5-6) Sewing as a hobby, TV painter gets lost in a midwestern zone, resulting in irritation (5-6) C(ROSS)ST+ITCH PantherSnuggler 1
10562 DOWNRANK (8) Demote Rand? Know destruction! (8) Anagram of (RAND KNOW) PantherSnuggler 0

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