Started by edderiofer

Non-manic Scary Spice (8)


Submitted by Firetruck

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
5025 Non-manic Scary Spice (8) NONMANIC* Firetruck 3
5027 Prisoner captured in Vietnam presents a challenge (8) CON captured IN NAM = C(IN NAM)ON // def. "a challenge", ref. The Cinnamon Challenge bags 3
5028 The best spice convention is around where some soldiers were in the sixties (8) C(IN NAM)ON is the same wordplay as above. I thought of it independently and executed it worse Linus 1
5033 I’m cannon fodder for Raj’s dog (8) CINNAMON* = Raj’s dog from The Big Bang Theory Timwi 1