GO-SLOW (2-4)

Started by edderiofer

George Washington starts going around capital protest (2-4)

GW around OSLO for 'protest'

Submitted by flatluigi

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
5142 George Washington starts going around capital protest (2-4) GW around OSLO for 'protest' flatluigi 4
5144 The worst part of stone game: when almost nothing happens (2-4) GO'S LOW Firetruck 4
5141 Traffic jam in Nigeria's capital city; stuck in gateway (2-4) G(OSLO)W edderiofer 3
5157 Speed reduction for tailless wolf is so great, it's reversing (2-4) Speed reduction = reversing WOL(-f)+SO+G wolf 3