Started by Firetruck

Wired might be trying to indicate, this Thursday, half of NY's metro is to be brought down with its terminal decommissioned (8)

nysmetro -> etronysm
R+ETRONY(-(it)s)M = Wired might be trying to indicate this

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Submitted by Idontknow

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Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
5160 Wired might be trying to indicate, this Thursday, half of NY's metro is to be brought down with its terminal decommissioned (8) nysmetro -> etronysm
R+ETRONY(-(it)s)M = Wired might be trying to indicate this

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Idontknow 1
5169 Like a physical video about Disney's first CGI attempt (revolutionary!) that I own? (8) RE+TRON+MY< Firetruck 1
5165 Spanish king devours sci-fi movie before making first regular coffee, e.g. (8) RE(TRON)Y + M_ = regular coffee, e.g. Timwi 0