Started by phenomist

"It's all lined up for the crowd!" says a G (6)

vox(says a G)

Submitted by flatluigi

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
5253 "It's all lined up for the crowd!" says a G (6) vox(says a G) flatluigi 2
5255 Showbiz vacated all audiences, taking year after year, finally, finally generated a line (6) SZ + G (all audiences), taking Y, Y, finallY Firetruck 2
5254 When the planets align, Horrible Yog-Sothoth gormandizes yammering zealots' yummiest heads (6) Initials of Yog Sothoth Gormandizes Yammering Zealots Yummiest anagrammed (Horrible) gives SYZYGY* (when the planets align) skaldskaparmal 1