PORT (4)

Started by flatluigi

I'm left to bring cargo into the harbor (4)

I'M left IMPORT (bring cargo into) = harbor. left is not the def hehehe

Submitted by quatrevingtneuf

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
5432 I'm left to bring cargo into the harbor (4) I'M left IMPORT (bring cargo into) = harbor. left is not the def hehehe quatrevingtneuf 2
5416 Wine let video games developed for Windows run on Linux, for example (4) ddef Wine // Let video games developed for Windows run on Linux, for example (surface references wine software) skaldskaparmal 1
5419 What goes on top of rice that's not right? (4) P or T can go before "rice" (and make a word). Technically grice can work too, but what the heck is a grice? No one knows. Apparently it's Scots for pig maybe? Firetruck 0