Started by Firetruck

Game to have two seconds to become international (9)

"have" = POSSESS; two seconds = SS, international = INTL, "Game" = PO(ss→INTL)ESS

Submitted by phenomist

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
5515 Game to have two seconds to become international (9) "have" = POSSESS; two seconds = SS, international = INTL, "Game" = PO(ss→INTL)ESS phenomist 3
5516 Love all things with only rounded edges (9) Double definition:
Love All = No points in tennis, with only rounded edges = No pointy bits
junkmail 3
5514 Fuile eleubby on good erms like his clue (9) Definition: FUTILE
PO (Teletubby) + IN (on good terms) + TLESS (like this clue, which had all the Ts removed)
Firetruck 2