GOOSE EGG (5, 3)

Started by Firetruck

Goes to provide everything needed for nothing at all (5, 3)

“Goes” letter bank

Submitted by dohz

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
5776 Goes to provide everything needed for nothing at all (5, 3) “Goes” letter bank dohz 1
5782 Eyes see three grand laying around, but scoring nothing (5,3) eyes = OO
see = SEE
three grand = GGG
laying around = container indicator?
majickace 1
5811 Scum are to watch a good game where nobody scored (5, 3) Scum --> GOO
To watch --> SEE
Good game --> GG
Nobody scored is the definition
WoomyRogue 1
5812 Zilch! Finished! Nothing! Zip! Nada! Understand? Good game (5,3) nothinG + O + O + SEE + GG Firetruck 1