Started by joman522

Shouts "Fires!" to evac chaotically (11)

Shouts = def
disorderly = anagram indicator
firestoevac = VOCIFERATES*

Submitted by majickace

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
5818 Shouts "Fires!" to evac chaotically (11) Shouts = def
disorderly = anagram indicator
firestoevac = VOCIFERATES*
majickace 5
5820 Upset a ref; I covertly held back screams (11) (_VOC I FER A TES_)< dohz 3
5819 Cries out amid havoc if Era testifies (11) _VOC IF ERA TES_ dohz 2
5817 Complaining that Code A is to infiltrate the polls (11) Code A is CIFER A. (Yes, you can spell cipher that way)
Put CIFER A inside VOTES (polls) to get the solution.
Complaining is the definition.
WoomyRogue 0