Started by dohz

Overheard, "Put on something elegant, just a little bit" (6)

"DOLL UP" homophone

Submitted by Firetruck

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
5830 Overheard, "Put on something elegant, just a little bit" (6) "DOLL UP" homophone Firetruck 2
5831 The avatar embodying laughings one's head off and laughing one's ass off is a shapeless blob (6) shapeless blob = def

avatar = display picture (DP)
laughing = lol (head off) => _OL
laughing = lol (ass off) => LO_
embodying = containment indicator D+_OL+LO_+P
majickace 1
5836 The puppet was overpowered, but just a little bit (6) DOLL+(OP)
Little bit is the def
WoomyRogue 1
5845 Gave large tailless poodle whipped cream scoop (6) def: cream scoop
Large POODL(e) --> DOLLOP
whipped is anagram
feyt 1
5872 Serving to perform fifty-fifty operation (6) DO+L+L+OP dohz 1