Started by mstang107

Soldier backfires pistol and assault rifle (7)

Soldier = REGUL< + AR
luger is a pistol

Submitted by Kit

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
5854 Soldier backfires pistol and assault rifle (7) Soldier = REGUL< + AR
luger is a pistol
Kit 3
5841 Patron drags sled uphill, in dry air even (7) def: patron
LUGE uphill in dRyAiR --> R(EGUL)AR
feyt 1
5846 Typical example, unlawful contents removed in a compressed file typical = def
example = EG
unlawful contents removed = U_L
in = container indicator
a compressed file = RAR

majickace 1
5849 A legless bird in back is normal (7) RE+GUL(-L)+AR
Normal is the def
WoomyRogue 0