Started by phenomist

Nothing fair (5-5)

Ddef: "50 minus 50" is nothing, while "fifty fifty" is fair

Submitted by Cheshire

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
6000 Nothing fair (5-5) Ddef: "50 minus 50" is nothing, while "fifty fifty" is fair Cheshire 2
6058 Evenly split two grants (5-5) Grant = $50 bill
def = evenly split
feyt 2
5989 In equal likelihood, when calculated!? (5-5) _L L_ = 50 50
TangentOfA 1
5991 Do the numbers before zero split in half (5-5) Do the numbers = enumeration meta?
Before zero = add a 0 after
split in half = def
WoomyRogue 0
5999 2 x (1 and 49): even odds (5-5) 2* FIFTY (=1 and 49)= FIFTYFIFTY
even odds = def
Firetruck 0
6002 Even! (5-5) ddef &lit
Fifty-fifty is even (as a split) and 5,050 is an even number.
skaldskaparmal 0
6003 The sum of all integers I to C is a Derek Kisman puzzle (5-5) I = 1
C = 100
sum of all integers from 1 to 100 is 5050
Derek Kisman wrote a puzzle called 50/50 for the 2013 MIT Mystery Hunt
Rubix 0