Started by phenomist

Greg is in Georgia, surrounded by giant, riotous gathering (11)


the saga of GregCon continues

Submitted by dohz

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
6111 Greg is in Georgia, surrounded by giant, riotous gathering (11) A(G(GREG)A)TING*

the saga of GregCon continues
dohz 1
6074 Making a collection is causing issues; exchanging media, for example (11) AGGR(AV->EG)ATING TangentOfA 0
6076 Clumping double-ended silver: strangely tangier and grand (11) (AG+G)TANGIER*+G
clumping is def
WoomyRogue 0
6089 Amassing assorted pieces of granite in baggage, evenly ground (11) _A_G_G_+(REGATIN*)+G AuLeaf 0