Started by phenomist

Trip Jack, keeping to the extreme and in the style of surprised face meeting skull (after decapitation!), following key uninitiated Icelandic smoker? (16)

(-k)EY+J(AF)J(ALLA)J+Ö+(-s)KULL = "Icelandic smoker"

Submitted by edderiofer

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
6219 Trip Jack, keeping to the extreme and in the style of surprised face meeting skull (after decapitation!), following key uninitiated Icelandic smoker? (16) (-k)EY+J(AF)J(ALLA)J+Ö+(-s)KULL = "Icelandic smoker" edderiofer 2
6234 Around Japan, a fella Jay mangled German exclamation before losing top of skull, an explosive fissure (16) (EYJAF(J)ALLA)*+JÖ+_KULL AuthorialIntent 2