Started by Akumu

Force required to make object spin around hot air is just over four ninths of a kiloNewton (11)

Force required to make object spin: CEN(TRIPE)TAL
around X is Y: container/contetns indicator
hot air: TRIPE
just over 4/9 kN: 100 lb: CENTAL

Submitted by AuLeaf

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
712 Force required to make object spin around hot air is just over four ninths of a kiloNewton (11) Force required to make object spin: CEN(TRIPE)TAL
around X is Y: container/contetns indicator
hot air: TRIPE
just over 4/9 kN: 100 lb: CENTAL
AuLeaf 1
726 Lance shattered around set of three... fifty short of approaching the middle (11) Lance shattered around = CEN(_)AL*
set of three, fifty short = TRIP(-l)ET
prawo 1
699 Tear copper face off a penny before looking inside (11) Looking inside = RIP (tear) + _ETAL (copper, face off), preceded by CENT (penny before) Akumu 0
700 Force vedette to impress everyone during audition? (11) CENTRIPETAL = "SENTRY PIT ALL"
Defn: "Force" = CENTRIPETAL
"vedette" = SENTRY
"impress" = PIT
"everyone" = ALL
"during audition" = homophone indicator
edderiofer 0
702 A plastic taken by important force (11) "force" = CENTR(I+PET)AL phenomist 0
711 The pieces contains later art, numbering endlessly, turning with the rest of the rotation (11) later art: -(a)RT
numbering: N
PIECES contains RT. N endlessly: PI[(-a)RTN]EC(-es)
turning: (-se)CE[NTR(-a)]IP<
the rest: ET AL
of the rotation: definition for (-se)CE[NTR(-a)]IP<+ET AL
wolf 0
713 Rotary phone almost included in art wild animal like dog's swallowed (11) phone almost: CEL(-l)
X included Y: container/contents
in art wild: *INART
animal like dog: PET
[i]s swallowed: container/contents
AuLeaf 0
723 Force broken clarinet to accomodate retreating sound (allow no loss) (11) CENTRI(P+[-l]ET)AL* [="Force"]
broken clarinet = CENTRIAL*, retreating sound = P (piano), (allow no loss) = LET without L
level 0