Started by edderiofer

Between definition and wordplay, it's necessary to parse, in a cryptic (10)

Between... necessary: SEPARATION*
TO PARSE IN A: fodder
cryptic: anagrind

Submitted by AuLeaf

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
718 Between definition and wordplay, it's necessary to parse, in a cryptic (10) Between... necessary: SEPARATION*
TO PARSE IN A: fodder
cryptic: anagrind
AuLeaf 5
719 Tossed spear into a gap (10) SEPARATION* AuLeaf 3
715 Split group with a puzzler? It's charged (10) "split" = SE(PARA)T+ION phenomist 1
727 Senpai selflessly struck balance, spanning difference in positions (10) Senpai selflessly struck = SEPAN(-i)*
balance spanning = RATIO inside
prawo 1
708 Axiom schema, in retrospect, acts like a restriction (10) Def: "Axiom schema" = SEPARATION (also an accidental semi-&lit if you really want I guess)
"in retrospect" = reversal indicator
"acts like" = APES
"a restriction" = RATION

edderiofer 0