Started by Idontknow

Popular Guitar Hero legend CHRS4LFE holding tip of hurt thumb (9)

Thumb = HIT+C(H_)HIKE

HIT ("popular", as in "hit single") + CHIKE ("Guitar Hero legend CHRS4LIFE", also known for being a DDR champion) around H_ ("tip of hurt")

Submitted by Sp3000

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Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
6452 Popular Guitar Hero legend CHRS4LFE holding tip of hurt thumb (9) Thumb = HIT+C(H_)HIKE

HIT ("popular", as in "hit single") + CHIKE ("Guitar Hero legend CHRS4LIFE", also known for being a DDR champion) around H_ ("tip of hurt")
Sp3000 2
6440 Hello, pretty lady. No unprescribed drugs around me for a free trip (9) HI + TCHOTCHKE - OTC + I
This is my last iteration I promise
kpogue 0