TWO-MAN (3-3)

Started by Sp3000

In sun, cut grass around coop (3-3)

In sun = T(_)AN, cut grass around = MOW<
coop(erative) = T(WOM<)AN

Submitted by prawo

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
757 In sun, cut grass around coop (3-3) In sun = T(_)AN, cut grass around = MOW<
coop(erative) = T(WOM<)AN
prawo 5
753 Time to gender a personnel requirement (3-3) A personnel requirement = T+WOMAN Akumu 2
756 Superheroine not about sort of partnership between a couple of gents (3-3) sort of partnership between a couple of gents: (-ca)TWOMAN AuLeaf 2
755 Tom and Jerry's country shortly abandoned, taking work in tandem, say (3-3) Tom and: fodder
Jerry's country shortly: D (abbv for Germany, ref WWII slang "Jerry" for German)
taking work in: surrounding W
tandem [bicycle], say: T(W)OM+AN(-d)
AuLeaf 1