Started by phenomist

Detective describes ship turning out west essentially to be something like a man-made mirage (8)

Detective describes: HOLMES around
ship turning: rev. ARGO
out: missing
west essentially: _ES_
to be: link
something like a man-made mirage: HOL(OGRA<)M(-es)

Submitted by AuLeaf

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
763 Detective describes ship turning out west essentially to be something like a man-made mirage (8) Detective describes: HOLMES around
ship turning: rev. ARGO
out: missing
west essentially: _ES_
to be: link
something like a man-made mirage: HOL(OGRA<)M(-es)
AuLeaf 3
764 Form of Lagomorph when first point is removed! (8) &lit. (HOLOGRAM(-p))*. "Lagomorph" refers to the character from Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward, who appears to the rest of the characters via a hologram. edderiofer 2
774 Heavy old piece of wood that can smash through a door as if it was nothing (8) H(eavy)+O(ld)+LOG (piece of wood) + RAM (that can smash through a door) = H+O+LOG+RAM (it was nothing) prawo 1
762 Mario high-jumps up and then makes a record of a spectral image (8) spectral image: (MARIO+H)<, then LOG <- I Akumu 0