TANG (4)

Started by Idontknow

Upside-down bug juice popular with spacemen (4)

GNAT< = "juice popular with spacemen"

Submitted by mstang107

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
6681 Upside-down bug juice popular with spacemen (4) GNAT< = "juice popular with spacemen" mstang107 3
6682 Strong taste of fish (4) ddef; a strong taste and a type of fish Space_Kalak 1
6685 Sing over derivative spice?? (4) sin(g) has derivative cos(g) and sin(g)/cos(g) = tan(g) = "spice" mstang107 1
6695 Kick back in soothing nature (4) (_TAN G_)<

def = Kick, as in “this food has some kick to it”
dohz 1
6684 Backwards moving creature is a PC user (4) TANG< edderiofer 0
6686 PC's MS Paint got regularly removed after promoting foremost Trumpian to leading position (4) (T<)_A_N_G_(<t) AuLeaf 0