BRUH (4)

Started by Idontknow

Some with urban upbringing say this to express disbelief (4)

Reverse hidden
wit(H URB)an <=

Submitted by Madmahogany

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
6964 Some with urban upbringing say this to express disbelief (4) Reverse hidden
wit(H URB)an <=
Madmahogany 2
6965 Late morning meal loses no calories at first, man (4) BRU(-NC)H jkittykitkat63 1
6969 Lead of _Ben-Hur_ returned with my man (4) B + HUR< Firetruck 1
6959 Dude evens out borough (4) B_R_U_H dohz 0
6971 Man missing a small brush (4) BRU(-s)H WoomyRogue 0