Started by DiscordantAnt

Bring down aircraft carrying alien tech, at last (8)


Submitted by dohz

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
7328 Bring down aircraft carrying alien tech, at last (8) D(ET+_H)RONE dohz 2
7310 Depose or behead another Democratic leader, with everyone ultimately angry (8) Def: Depose
Neeerd 0
7314 7-6 after defense botched the quarterback sack (8) def: "sack"; D+ETH*+_R+ONE

defense = D
THE, botched = ETH
quarterback = R
7-6 = ONE
mbingo 0
7325 Ed returned, wandering North and East, to oust a King. (8) Ed returned (DE)
wandering North (THRON*)
and East, (E)
to oust a King. (def)
Tjm 0