AD-LIB (2-3)

Started by RainedMirror

51's in crazily bad make up (2-3)

51's in crazily bad: AD(LI)B*
Make up: Def.

Submitted by RainedMirror

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
961 51's in crazily bad make up (2-3) 51's in crazily bad: AD(LI)B*
Make up: Def.
RainedMirror 2
948 Bauer, leaving Build-a-Bear Workshop, to say: "Here's lookin' at you, kid" (2-3) wp: ADLIB(-bauer)*
link word: to
def: say, "Here's lookin' at you, kid" (ad-lib from Casablanca)
AuLeaf 1
952 Suspect's excuse cut short, interrupted by defendant's top secret note from Taito (2-3) Down clue. "secret note" as in Groove Coaster (hinted by "from Taito") = D_ in ALIB(-i) Sp3000 1
953 Notice a one in-lb make up (2-3) Notice: AD
a one in-lb: I in LB
Make up: def.
RainedMirror 1
959 Bailed out without hesitating for a second, on the spur of the moment (2-3) Bailed out = ADLIBe*
without hesitating for a second= -(h)E(sitating)
on the spur of the moment = ADLIB(-_e_)*
prawo 1