Started by wolf

Hotel and hotel's spokesperson backtracking, say (7)

(SPA + H + REP)< = PERHAPS = "say" (as in "for example")

Submitted by edderiofer

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
978 Hotel and hotel's spokesperson backtracking, say (7) (SPA + H + REP)< = PERHAPS = "say" (as in "for example") edderiofer 2
1014 Strange phrase with period at the start, maybe (7) PERHA(P)S* AuLeaf 2
977 Criminal suspects capture one next to Henry, say (7) PER(H+A)PS AuLeaf 1
1012 According to guys (not including Charlie), it's a valid definition by example indicator (7) According to: PER
Not including Charlie: remove C
I guess in the surface we've been arguing about cryptic rules with someone named Charlie?
madjaqk 1
1029 Say “maybe” (7) ddef
“I said maybe/you're gonna be the one that saves me”
wolf 1
1026 Maybe mutter and laugh in additional thoughts (7) P(ER+HA)PS prawo 0