Started by dohz

Thermos full, next to Alaska, passing over the border (5)

def. "Thermos"
wordplay: F ("full", on a car's gas gauge) next to [a]LASK[a] ("Alaska", "passing over the border")

Submitted by bags

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
7972 Thermos full, next to Alaska, passing over the border (5) def. "Thermos"
wordplay: F ("full", on a car's gas gauge) next to [a]LASK[a] ("Alaska", "passing over the border")
bags 1
7979 Originally, lifevest is in full demand for water vessel (5) def. "water vessel"
wordplay: L[ifevest] ("Originally", "lifevest") is inside of F ("full": car's gas gauge) ASK ("demand": the verb)
bags 1
7973 Snuggle a little bit in a kind of heavy jacket that can hold liquor (5) FLA(S = snuggle a little bit)K
Flak jacket is a heavy jacket
Firetruck 0
7974 Container of alcohol regularly filled with sake almost spilled (5) F__L__ + ASK(-e)*
"regularly" here is "every third letter"
AuLeaf 0