Started by WoomyRogue

In physical, I permit body fat measurer (7)

defn: body fat measurer
wp: (in:hidden) physiCAL I PERmit

Submitted by Wriggler831

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
8036 In physical, I permit body fat measurer (7) defn: body fat measurer
wp: (in:hidden) physiCAL I PERmit
Wriggler831 2
8035 Item that measures poor lip care (7) defn: item that measures.
wp: (poor:anagram) lip care
Wriggler831 1
8038 Instrument replica is out of tune (7) def. "Instrument"
wordplay: anagram of REPLICA (*"is out of tune")
bags 1