DORD (4)

Started by dohz

New role playing system based on exclusive choices? That's not a thing (4)

D OR D (vs D&D)

Submitted by Firetruck

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
8228 New role playing system based on exclusive choices? That's not a thing (4) D OR D (vs D&D) Firetruck 2
8223 Word initially mistaken for entry to dictionary! (4) &lit
first letter of WORD ("Word", "initially") replaced with ("mistaken for") first letter of D[ictionary] ("entry to" "dictionary")
bags 1
8222 Flipped droid without start of innovation has density, perhaps? (4) DOiRD<

Not sure if "has" is a valid connecting word though :(
calica 0
8227 It's horny, or sandwiched between [the rest of this clue has been censored] (4) D(OR)D = a type of Irish horn, hence "it's horny" edderiofer 0