Started by Wriggler831

Argue about cyclist impaled by front of car (6)


Submitted by WoomyRogue

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
8239 Argue about cyclist impaled by front of car (6) BI(C_)KER WoomyRogue 4
8250 Sycophant dropping broken tool in fight (6) def. "fight"
wordplay: BOOTLICKER ("Sycophant") - ("dropping") OOTL ("broken" "tool": anagram of TOOL)
bags 2
8246 Argue amid acerbic kerfuffle (6) _BIC KER_ dohz 1
8241 Calvin Klein goes in; German, beer fall out (6) BI(CK)ER, fall out = def Firetruck 0