Started by WoomyRogue

Streamer Ian played back advertisement (5)

Streamer=def (a naiad would live in a stream)
IAN< (played back) + AD

Submitted by Firetruck

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
8304 Streamer Ian played back advertisement (5) Streamer=def (a naiad would live in a stream)
IAN< (played back) + AD
Firetruck 0
8307 New assistant haunted by a spirit (5) def. "spirit"
wordplay: N ("new") AID ("assistant") containing ("haunted by") A ("a")
bags 0
8308 Diana’s swimming like a maiden of the water (5) NAIAD*

a maiden of the water = def
dohz 0