Started by wolf

Goes around a church, providing fruits (7)


Submitted by AuLeaf

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
1094 Goes around a church, providing fruits (7) PE(A+CH)ES AuLeaf 4
1093 Gym hurts fruits (7) PE + ACHES skaldskaparmal 3
1097 Cream partner that guy's after disrupted pace (7) PEAC*+HE'S prawo 3
1100 What's behind '[Bleep] the Pain Away' without help! (7) What's behind [Bleep] the = _P _E
Pain = ACHE
Away = ASIDE
without help = -AIDE
&lit (PEACHES is a solo artist, thus "without help")
SoftFro 3