Started by WoomyRogue

Knight enrolled in fighting academy with new building (6)

Knight=N in chess
Enrolled in=containment
Fighting academy =dojo
DO(N)JO + new=N

Submitted by Firetruck

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
8360 Knight enrolled in fighting academy with new building (6) Knight=N in chess
Enrolled in=containment
Fighting academy =dojo
DO(N)JO + new=N
Firetruck 2
8363 Professor Jack covering part of castle (6) def. "part of castle"
wordplay: DON ("Professor") J ("Jack": playing cards) ON ("covering": i.e. covering a subject in school)
bags 1
8358 Wear jester’s cap before performing for heart of the castle (6) DON+J_+ON dohz 0