Started by biocuriousgeorgie

Computer game expert acted irritated after shoving past beginners (5, 5)


Submitted by dohz

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
8568 Computer game expert acted irritated after shoving past beginners (5, 5) (S_+P_)+(ACE+CADET*) dohz 4
8567 Airhead fixed internal rate for Canadian currency (5 5) SET (fixed) with PACE (rate) CAD (canadian currency) inside quatrevingtneuf 1
8569 One who shoots for the moon misuses adept ace’s degree? (5 5) /ADEPTACES+C (as in a degree Celsius); i could imagine a space soldier shooting at a moon quatrevingtneuf 0
8597 She started movement with two left feet - even danced erratically like an alien daydreamer (5,5) S_ + PACE (gait with two left legs moving at the same time) + CAD* + ET biocuriousgeorgie 0