Started by dohz

Elegant safety first pioneered by Rugby Union legend needing no introduction (6)

Def: elegant
Safety: S
First pioneered: P_
(By: next to)
Rugby Union: RU
Legend: ACE, needing no introduction: _CE

Submitted by Timwi

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
8586 Elegant safety first pioneered by Rugby Union legend needing no introduction (6) Def: elegant
Safety: S
First pioneered: P_
(By: next to)
Rugby Union: RU
Legend: ACE, needing no introduction: _CE
Timwi 2
8584 Fool complains about answer to you eagerly, at first (6) def: fool (see sense 3 of spruce on google)

complains about = CARPS<
answer to you = (A->U)
eagerly at first = E_

SPR(A->U)C< + E_
noneuclidean 1
8598 Christmas tree purchased even after Mar/Apr/May, without hint of awkwardness (6) Christmas tree = def
SPR (spring) + pUrChAsEd - A
biocuriousgeorgie 1