Started by wolf
Oxpelwe' avu lifanafwe iqa li henhiaden ulime eqa zat (11)
"Gas is what the most excited four students inhaled (7)"
E'AVULI: hidden word in oxpelwE' AVU LIfanafwe ("most excited four students")
Submitted by Deusovi
Clue ID | Clue | Explanation (hover) | Submitted By | Likes |
1113 | Oxpelwe' avu lifanafwe iqa li henhiaden ulime eqa zat (11) | "Gas is what the most excited four students inhaled (7)" E'AVULI: hidden word in oxpelwE' AVU LIfanafwe ("most excited four students") |
Deusovi | 4 |
1127 | Anuva gica avroxe zat uta calu na? Xa! (3) | [tall shoe twist is the truth? No! (3)] anuva (tall): def for AGI (giant) gica (shoe) avroxe (twist): anagram of GICA uta calu (one truth): C(alu) Xa (no): removal resolves to *[GI(-c)A] = AGI |
wolf | 3 |
1111 | Ex'opsi soka amelte itede (10) | [Gun ends yellow metal (6)] ex'opsi (gun) = ALVI (weapon) soka amelte (ends yellow) = TE itede (metal) = def for ALVITE (silver) |
wolf | 2 |