Started by wolf

Oxpelwe' avu lifanafwe iqa li henhiaden ulime eqa zat (11)

"Gas is what the most excited four students inhaled (7)"

E'AVULI: hidden word in oxpelwE' AVU LIfanafwe ("most excited four students")

Submitted by Deusovi

All Submissions

Clue ID Clue Explanation (hover) Submitted By Likes
1113 Oxpelwe' avu lifanafwe iqa li henhiaden ulime eqa zat (11) "Gas is what the most excited four students inhaled (7)"

E'AVULI: hidden word in oxpelwE' AVU LIfanafwe ("most excited four students")
Deusovi 4
1127 Anuva gica avroxe zat uta calu na? Xa! (3) [tall shoe twist is the truth? No! (3)]
anuva (tall): def for AGI (giant)
gica (shoe) avroxe (twist): anagram of GICA
uta calu (one truth): C(alu)
Xa (no): removal
resolves to *[GI(-c)A] = AGI
wolf 3
1111 Ex'opsi soka amelte itede (10) [Gun ends yellow metal (6)]
ex'opsi (gun) = ALVI (weapon)
soka amelte (ends yellow) = TE
itede (metal) = def for ALVITE (silver)
wolf 2